Exercise to a Better Long Life

Time passes. The groceries get heavier. It takes longer to bring them in and, your arm may be sore for a while. Look in the mirror—any changes? Are you better than you were a few short years ago? In earlier days, our work and responsibilities required moving and lifting—physical activity. Today, with deliveries, devices and services, our daily activities offer little exertion.


This worldwide issue strikes home.

“When asked on a survey, Canadian adults reported that they spend about 3.2 hours per day in front of screens and 5.7 hours per day sitting. These results mean that over half of Canadians (58%) meet the screen time threshold, while 72% meet the overall sedentary time recommendation. However, when measured by accelerometers, total sedentary time was 9.8 hours per day…”

~ The Daily — How sedentary are Canadian adults? It depends (statcan.gc.ca)   https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221019/dq221019e-eng.htm

Our sedentary life and Covid have combined–working against our Longevity.

With a greater lifespan, natural aging means a longer ‘old age’. Physical activity offers two opportunities here: 1) To prevent or delay the onset of an illness; and 2) To facilitate a better quality of life. If you have a serious illness, among medical advances, devices, and pharmacology, you can live a long time. There is no need to wither Physical activities can be adapted to any patient’s environment..


One of our clients booked an extensive medical exam, with a stress test on an exercise bike. The nurse asked him “When was your heart attack?”. He was well, taking the test as part of setting a baseline. “Oh” she said, “all the patients here have heart problems. That’s when they start exercising.”


We do get health advice. Every physician recommends physical activity, exercise of all types. Are we following the guidance and recommendations that we received? Most physicians will agree that aerobic and resistance exercise is better than any polypill.

It is easy to get started, but many hesitate. “Gymtimidation” is a reality for many beginners or those who are returning to a program. Every facility and every piece of equipment come with clear instructions on use, exercises, and limitations for safety. If you can hire a professional trainer, even better.


In general, “Here’s how you can attain a lifetime of physical fitness”.

  • Eat a Healthy Diet.
  • Avoid Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco.
  • Get Moving and Stay Moving.
  • Try Strength Training.”


Aerobic Exercise and Resistance Training will push back on the effects of aging


The program:

  1. Get a full medical—the works: fluids, metabolism, stress tests.
  2. Take a Selfie every 45 or 60 days
  3. Simple equipment and follow all the cautions and instructions
  4. Daily or every other day with a minimum 150 minutes weekly
  5. Move slowly, you will relax
  6. Push a little, adding reps, weights and routines
  7. After, stretch and shower

For longevity, aim for 150 minutes of weekly exercise | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/longevity-exercise-150-minutes/

Is a 30-Minute Workout Really Enough? (partnermd.com) https://www.partnermd.com/blog/is-a-30-minute-workout-really-enough

You will feel better and that’s the idea.  Your level of energy does not have to go to zero during your lifetime.


Basic Advantages of Exercise

You can control your weight and improve your appearance. It is possible to delay or prevent illnesses or chronic conditions. You could have a fully active lifestyle through a longer lifespan, even in later years. Fitness in your lifetime has some side effects—EVEN BETTER!

Side effects of Exercise…Even Better!


Minor Possible Side Effects:

  • less pain
  • more strength
  • less fatigue
  • better, more sound sleep
  • metabolic function
  • stiffness leaves with stretch or two
  • better muscle articulation (bulges unlikely)
  • firm healthy complexion.


Major Possible Benefits:

  • lifting grandchildren
  • carry your suitcases and put them on the conveyor/cart
  • hold the grandchildren while waiting
  • carry in all the groceries right away
  • comfortably use stairs
  • hug the grandchildren without hurting
  • help someone else with a load or errand
  • grandchildren think you look great
  • put the canoe in the water
  • throw the grandchildren in the pool
  • clothing is tailored in, not let out
  • carry large gifts for grandchildren
  • rare (jealous) compliments…


You have a good chance of seeing great-grandchildren, and not just one…Live long live well. Don’t mess up the gift of time!


You can stall the aging process with exercise.  shshshshshsh…let them notice, likely they will say nothing.

Stay alive, look alive, feel alive. Exercise is the polypill.  Resistance training will resist aging