Finding Purpose in Giving Back

Retirement marks a significant transition in life, offering the freedom to explore new interests and passions. One of the most rewarding and impactful ways to spend this time is through volunteering. Engaging in volunteer activities post-retirement not only benefits...

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Building Trust and Transparency in Estate Settlement

When a loved one passes away, emotions can run high among family members. They may experience a range of feelings, from sadness and loss to relief or uncertainty about the future, especially regarding their inheritance. The executor of the...

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A Comprehensive Guide on Navigating the Financial Landscape of Blended Families

Recent census data reveals that approximately 1 in 8 Canadian families with children are blended families. Blended families include various combinations, usually with children who are biologically related to one parent and those who share biological ties with both...

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Designating Beneficiaries under Complex Circumstances

In today’s world, family dynamics can be complex and multidimensional. With over a quarter of Canadian children living with only one parent, and scenarios involving divorce, remarriage, or children from multiple partners becoming increasingly common, estate planning requires thorough...

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