The idea of a trust fund may evoke images of carefree individuals living off inherited wealth, but in reality, trusts serve as powerful tools for financial planning and protection. Even while you might not want to leave your heirs...
Protecting assets such as your home requires careful consideration, as the most obvious solution may not necessarily be the most advantageous.Consider a scenario where your spouse has passed away, and your children are grown. Instead of getting remarried, you...
When it comes to financial wellness and longevity, careful planning of beneficiaries is essential. Often, when drafting a will, individuals may overlook the importance of selecting beneficiaries thoughtfully. While it’s common to designate a spouse or partner as the...
When considering aging and financial wellness, it’s crucial to approach the selection of beneficiaries for your RRSP, TFSA, or life insurance policy with careful thought. While it may appear simple to assign beneficiaries, doing so without careful planning can...
“Several of the expert practitioners interviewed pointed to the effect of unconscious bias, that employers were “recruiting in their own mold”, that is, that ‘homophily’ (the tendency for people to gravitate toward others who are like themselves) was...
For most of us, a longer life means a longer working life. With greater life expectancy, the income stream must go further. Some are in the ‘sandwich generation’ who have both older and younger dependents. Many will extend their...
“The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.’ ~Alvin Toffler If you are in your mid or late-career, then you...
‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’~Mahtma Ghandi Longevity has disrupted the pattern of the 3-stage life—education, work, and retirement.1 While life is getting longer, changes in lifestyle,...
Time passes. The groceries get heavier. It takes longer to bring them in and, your arm may be sore for a while. Look in the mirror—any changes? Are you better than you were a few short years ago? In...
Meditation. Just the word may conjure up images of a holy person on a hilltop. Yet meditation is accessible to anyone, anywhere. It requires no special equipment or skills. Maybe that’s why roughly one-quarter of Canadians meditate regularly. And...