“The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.’ ~Alvin Toffler If you are in your mid or late-career, then you...
‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’~Mahtma Ghandi Longevity has disrupted the pattern of the 3-stage life—education, work, and retirement.1 While life is getting longer, changes in lifestyle,...
Time passes. The groceries get heavier. It takes longer to bring them in and, your arm may be sore for a while. Look in the mirror—any changes? Are you better than you were a few short years ago? In...
When retirement was at age 65 and the average lifespan was only around 70, retirement was a well-earned respite after a lifetime of hard work. But with increasing longevity and rising costs, a retirement lasting decades is more and...
Maybe retirement sounds like an endless vacation. Or perhaps you’re hoping it’ll be a relief from the pressures of working and supporting a family. Whatever you imagined for your retirement, there may be good reasons to continue working even...
Obituaries and biographies are a longer read today than ever before. Advances in medicine, health and nutrition have allowed people to live active lives well into their 80s and 90s. Indeed, it is possible to become the living ancestor...