Preparing for the Unexpected: Securing Your Financial Future

Life is unpredictable, particularly as we become older. Illnesses and accidents can happen without warning and present difficulties for people and companies alike. If you’re a major participant or business owner, the operations and financial viability of the organization...

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Navigating Your Journey: Assessing Your Current Position and Charting Your Future Path

We are all storytellers by nature. Stories help us find meaning in the chaos of life, weaving together the threads of our experiences into a coherent narrative. Stories help us make sense of the world around us, whether they...

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Designating Beneficiaries under Complex Circumstances

In today’s world, family dynamics can be complex and multidimensional. With over a quarter of Canadian children living with only one parent, and scenarios involving divorce, remarriage, or children from multiple partners becoming increasingly common, estate planning requires thorough...

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Ages and Stages: Grandchildren and Grandparenting

When people have close relationships with their children and grandchildren, everyone benefits. Young children and teenagers need healthy relationships with multiple adults in order to develop appropriate coping mechanisms, among other skills. Parents need a supportive community around them...

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